Adam and Kevin at state convention

Dr. Adam Pyle and Dr. Kevin Wagner, two highly respected Health and Physical Education Teachers at Bridgewater-Raritan High School, shared their knowledge with educators from throughout New Jersey on Monday, February 24.

Dr. Pyle and Dr. Wagner each presented their findings at the New Jersey Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (NJAHPERD) annual convention that was held at the Westin at Forrestal Village in Princeton.

Also on hand at the convention was Erin Kurdyla, a Hamiton Primary School Health and Physical Education Teacher, who received the prestigious Elementary Teacher of the Year award from the NJAHPERD.

And of course, another school district staff member who proudly attended the affair in Princeton was Dave Guglietti, the Supervisor of Health and Physical Education for the Bridgewater-Raritan Regional School District.

According to its website, the NJAHPERD is dedicated to advancing quality health education, physical education, recreation, dance education, and athletics through professional development, programming, advocacy, and collegial exchange. The NJAHPERD promotes responsibility and the development of healthy active lifestyles for New Jersey students, educators, and community members.

Dr. Pyle delivered two presentations.

His first discussion under the category of All Disciplines/All Levels/Future Professionals was titled “Shifting Towards a Health and Physical Literacy Model.

Dr. Pyle’s other presentation under PE/Secondary was titled “Exploring Perceived Challenges of Teaching Secondary PE.”

Dr. Wagner also spoke under PE/Secondary and his presentation was titled “Tracking Effort Using Heart Rate and RPE.”

Mr. Guglietti was quite pleased with all three of the school district representatives at the NJAHPERD convention.

"Dr. Pyle and Dr. Wagner continue to drive contemporary Health and Physical Education forward,” Mr. Guglietti said. “They always look at the foundations of their teaching on such a deep and scientific level, they are the true meaning of what a physical educator is."

He praised Ms. Kurdlya as well.

"Every time I witness Mrs. Kurdlya teach, I always walk away inspired and enthused by what she is doing in her Health and Physical Education class to ensure students are developing skills to make them lifelong fitness learners,” Mr. Guglietti said. “Her passion and admiration for her craft and her students is exceptional"