BRHS Fall Soiree

Spooky tales and ghostly songs will be heard throughout the cafeteria at Bridgewater-Raritan High School on Saturday, October 26.

Halloween will be celebrated that evening when the Bridgewater-Raritan Theater Arts program will present its Fall Theater Soiree.

The chilling event will go off at 7 p.m.

Heather Diaforli-Day, the Bridgewater-Raritan High School Theatre Arts Director and a Theatre and Music Teacher at the high school explained this novel performance.

“The Fall Theatre Soiree is a new event where Bridgewater-Raritan Theatre Arts students have the opportunity to showcase their talents and share spooky songs and stories with the audience,” she revealed.

Ms. Diaflori-Day also reported that “this event will benefit our parent organization, the Bridgewater-Raritan Theater Arts Council (BRTAC), which supports all of our productions.”

A $15 donation will be asked for admission to attend this scary evening.

The next production by the Bridgewater-Raritan Theater Arts program will be the Fall Play—Radium Girls–which will be performed at the high school on December 5 through 7.

But for now, Ms. Diaflori-Day and her students are focused on celebrating Halloween on the evening of October 26.

“ We hope people will join us for an evening filled with spooky songs and chilling tales. Coffee and dessert will be served,” she said.

Here are the Bridgewater-Raritan Theaters Arts program students who are involved in the Fall Theater Soiree.


Mattingly Niles

Julianne Maloney

Aditi Dhara

Jayleen Alvarado

Evan Andrews

Michaela Opalenik

Ella Ianniello

Mars Springsteel

Rebecca Puszkin

Maya Little

Zoe Weinstein

Aaron Weinstein

John Csik

Members of Tri-M Music Honor Society

Student Staff:

Tia Sharma

Mia Hassouna

Natalia Placek

Ava Hathaway

Nolan Brown

Casey Stella

Martim Silvestre